The Chinese Shar-Pei,an ancient and unique breed, is thought to have
      originated in the small village of Tai Li in Kwangtung
        Province, and has existed for centuries in the southern provinces of
      China, apparently since the Han Dynasty (c. 200 B.C.). Statues
        bearing a strong resemblance to the Shar-Pei have been discovered and
      dated to this period. More recently, a Chinese manuscript
        of the 13th century has been translated; it refers to a wrinkled dog
      with characteristics much like those of the Shar-Pei.
        The name "Shar-Pei"itself literally means "sand-skin", but translated
      more loosely as "rough, sandy coat" and refers to two
        distinctive qualities of the Shar-Pei coat-roughness and shortness-
      which make the breed unique in the dog world. the Shar-Pei
        shares another distinctive characteristic with only one other breed, the
      Chow-Chow, in having a blue black tongue, which may
        indicate an ancestor common to both breeds, a now extinct breed that was
      common about 2000 thousand years ago in Tibet and
        the north Chinese province. However proof of such a relationship is

        The history of the Chinese Shar-Pei in modern times is incomplete.
      However it is known that when the Chinese Communists came
        to power that a tax was imposed and the breed was led to near
      extinction. No dogs were seen in the cities, and few dogs remained in
        the countryside. During this period few Chinese Shar-Pei were bred in
      Hong Kong,BC and in the Republic of China (Taiwan).
        The breed was recognized by the Hong Kong Kennel Club until about 1966.
      Subsequently the The Hong
        Kong and Kowloon Kennel Association established a dog registry and
      registered the Shar-Pei. This origination still registers the
        breed today as do other registries in Taiwan, Japan, Korea, as well as
      organizations in Europe, Canada and Great Britain

        In the United States, the documented history of the breed goes back to
      1966 when a few dogs were imported from stock registered
        with the Hong Kong Kennel Club. The American Dog Breeders Association
      registered a Chinese Shar-Pei for J.C.Smith on October
        8,1970. Strong interest in the breed increased in 1973 when Matgo Law of
      Down-Homes Kennels, Hong Kong, appealed to dog
        fanciers in the United States to "Save the Chinese Shar-Pei". The
      response was enthusiastic, and the because of their rarity, a
        limited number of Shar-Pei arrived in the United States in the fall of
      1973. The recipients of these dogs corresponded with each
        other and decide to form a national dog club and registry. The Chinese
      Shar-Pei Club of America, Inc,(CSPCA), held it's first
        organizational meeting in 1974, and the club has been in continuous
      existence since that time. The first Annual National Specialty
        Show was held in 1978 and successive national shows have been held each

        The Club's primary purpose was to promote the breed, maintain the stud
      book registry and to provide a standard for the breed. On
        May 4, 1988 the Chinese Shar-Pei was accepted in to the American Kennel
      Club ( AKC ) Miscellaneous Class. The CSPCA
        continued to represent the breed and operate the registry until the AKC
      accepted the breed into the Non-Sporting Group on
        August 1, 1992. The CSPCA continues to promote the best interest of the
      breed, maintains the Standard and serves as a  Member
        Club of the AKC.