A comprehensive guide to owning and caring for your dog. A most extraordinary— even peculiar —pure-bred dog, the Chinese Shar-Pei possesses distinctive characteristics that make him completely unlike any other dog. Described as independent, calm, affectionate and protective, the Shar-Pei makes an excellent choice for a family dog, though he needs a responsible, caring owner to tend to his many needs.

A New Owner's Guide to Shar Pei (JG Dog) by Karen Kleinhans

Chinese Shar-Pei by Anna Katherine Nicholas

Chinese Shar-Pei by Juliette Cunliffe

The Chinese Shar Pei Today by Juliette Cunliffe

Dr. Ackerman's Book of the Shar-Pei (BB Dog) by Lowell Ackerman

Basic Guide to the Chinese Shar-Pei by Stephen W. Jones, Kandi Basic Guide to the Chinese Shar-Pei Stirling

The Chinese Shar-Pei by Ellen Weathers Debo

The Chinese Shar-Pei by Jo Ann Reddit

Shar-Pei by Tanya B. Ditto (1992)